Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is an elective surgery which is used to remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles to produce a flat abdomen. This excess skin and muscle laxity comes from being overweight with loss of skin elasticity. This most often occurs in pregnancy. These patients often find their bellies don’t change shape even after exercising and dieting. This is because the muscles have become too loose in the abdominal region and this causes a “beer belly” appearance. Unfortunately, this condition can’t be helped with sit-ups or ab routines. The muscles can only be tightened with surgery.
The surgery can often be performed by extending a C-section scar. The skin is then lifted and the muscles are tightened. This acts as an internal corset to make sure your abdomen looks flat. Finally, the excess skin is removed to make a tight, smooth abdomen. Fat along the flanks can be removed with liposuction at the same time.
A mini tummy tuck just removes the skin and tightens the muscle under the belly button. This is an especially useful for mommy makeovers. This surgery helps mothers regain their pre-pregnacy body and can be done the same time as a breast lift.
A tummy tuck can be combined with a breast augmentation or lift to achieve a mommy makeover. These surgeries can be done at the same time to allow mothers to regain their pre-children body. This combination is a specialty in my practice.