Facial Rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation procedures and surgeries help produce a more youthful appearance in the patient’s face. It helps reduce wrinkles and sun damage done to the skin. There are many layers of facial rejuvenation, some can be done in the office, while others require the operating room.
The easiest layers of facial rejuvenation including injectables like Restylane and Botox. Is could be performed in the office and only take between 10 to 20 minutes. Best of all, you can still go on a date later on that night. These can be combined with skincare product lines that will help keep your skin more youthful and slow down the rapid effects of aging. These target the wrinkles of the forehead, crows feet, and smile lines.
The next layer of faced a rejuvenation would be upper and lower eyelids. This takes the bags away from the lower eyelids and remove the extra skin in the upper eyelids that make people look tired. This procedure can be performed in an office setting but depends upon the amount of skin and fat that needs to be removed. Larger amounts of skin and fat require the operating room.
The final layer of facial rejuvenation is the facelift and necklace. You surgeries are perform in the operating room as an outpatient setting. This surgery remove the jowls from the jawline and removes the excess skin and fat from the neck. This restores the youthful appearance of the patient’s face and lasts for about 10 years.
Other procedures of the face that are performed in my practice include rhinoplasty or nose jobs and otoplasty or ear lobe reductions.